tirsdag 19. mars 2013


I don't like Skyfall. Like, I really don't like it. I don't like it as a Bond movie, and I don't like it as an action movie. I'm a fan of Daniel Craig as Bond, he is one of the best, but I don't like what he does, I don't like the story. But back to my point. I don't like Skyfall. I wasn't sure how to tackle this problem, so I thought I'd do it scene by scene. (Spoilers!)

lørdag 16. mars 2013

Tomb Raider

Just rounded the story of Tomb Raider, and thought I should let you know what I think of it. I'm not calling this a review, cause that sounds so formal and consuming, so this is more of sharing opinions. Anyway, let the reviewing begin!

tirsdag 22. januar 2013

Top 5 Timeless Music Videos

5. Dinosaur Laser Fight
It's a song about a prehistoric, futuristic showdown between dinosaurs, occurring in space, featuring laser guns, sharks, and bass playing aliens. Convinced yet?

Best Line: "It's fucking science. Just ask Albert Einstein, he invented space"

4. Everybody walk the Dinosaur
Sorry for repeating the dinosaur theme, but I feel like this one deserves a spot as well.

Best Line: "Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur"

1. Safety Dance
So there is this midget on a medival festival, and a guy doing some sweet folk dancing, and everyone is wearing orange, and it ends with random nukes. It is physically impossible to get tired of this.

Best Line: "Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well their'e no friends of mine"

lørdag 15. desember 2012

The Hobbit

So, I was planing to write this once I got back from the premiere, but it was like three at the night, so I just got to bed, and I've been working everyday since, and I don't feel like writing posts when I get home. But anyway, here it is, my opinion on The Hobbit

søndag 4. november 2012

About Grimm and lesser known shows

Today I can finally start on the second season of Grimm (I live in Norway and like watching series on TV, okay). Sadly, Grimm is one of the less popular, but still really good TV shows running. I watched the first episode when it first aired in Norway, and I was sold from the beginning (but so I am with everything that opens with "Sweet Dreams"). I've watched every episode so far, and it is just so amazing, and it is sad that it issn't more known.

mandag 29. oktober 2012

Halfway there

Yesterday I watched the last episode of season five of Stargate SG-1. If you don't know what Stargate is, then you are an unworthy reader of this blog (implying readers.) This means there are five more seasons to go, before I'm done, and can proceed with my mission. Once I'm done, I'll watch Atlantis, and then re-watch SG-U. And then, my friend, is where the fun begins, as I have planed to watch through Star Trek. All of it, every show and every crapy movie. My goal is to watch every old popular TV-show, including MAcGyver, A-Team, and even Mission Impossible. Yaayyy.

lørdag 13. oktober 2012

Yes, I'm Still Alive

So, a couple of months ago I decided that I wanted to get back to this blog, because I really don't have anything better to do. Now I finally got myself to actually do something, and obviously that resulted in the nothingness that you are about to read. Because there is not much going on in my life, and even if it were, you wouldn't care. So I'll just write about what I've been up to lately.