lørdag 13. oktober 2012

Yes, I'm Still Alive

So, a couple of months ago I decided that I wanted to get back to this blog, because I really don't have anything better to do. Now I finally got myself to actually do something, and obviously that resulted in the nothingness that you are about to read. Because there is not much going on in my life, and even if it were, you wouldn't care. So I'll just write about what I've been up to lately.

First of all, I bought the Gladiator book/film special edition thingy (I'm not quite sure what it is called)  that you can see above, as well as the King Kong one. And yes, they are pretty fly, they look fantastic on the shelves, there is some interesting stuff in it, and thats it. If you are a collector like me, then I would heavily recommend one of these (there are many different ones). But don't expect much more, there is only the standard special feature on it, and even though both Gladiator and King Kong had an extended edition, they was only like twenty minutes longer.

Of other uninteresting news, I also bought MIB3, and watched it again. I gotta tell you, it is not as good  after you know the ending (Spoiler: Snape killed Dumbledore). I also acquired Prince of Persia Trilogy, which I am currently playing.

FML of the day: So, ever since I finished Uncharted 2 (which was a loooong time ago), I have been looking in stores for the previous one. I could never find it, and for some obscure reason of which I myself do not know, I didn't want to buy it of the internet. But I couldn't find it, and two days ago I swallowed my pride and had it ordered. The very next day I go shopping with my brother (what, that is a perfectly normal way of spending your vacation), it is everywhere. Literally every store we went to (and yes, we only went to game shops, where else would we go?) had it, as it had just been launched as "Essentials" which is basically "Platinum" with a slightly better looking cover. So yeah, that cinda sucked. And yes, it was cheaper in store.
I hope you fall into a pool of Legos!

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