mandag 20. februar 2012

Why Hogwarts should be closed immediately

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is supposedly the safest place on earth. Hagrid said it himself: "no safer place, except Hogwarts maybe". The students security is Dumbledores first and highest priority. Okay, you follow me this far?

tirsdag 7. februar 2012

PC vs Console

I'm a console gamer. Always has been and always will be. I got tons of reasons. Firstly, I like to hold a controller, lay back and just play, instead of sitting crooked over a keyboard. Console give you the opportunity to sit how you want. Want to sit upside down? Then don't! But you can still lay down, sit upright, stand up.

torsdag 2. februar 2012

Ghost Protocol

Just got home from the cinema, I've watched the fourth Mission Imposible movie. This post will not be so much a review as my reflection of the movie. What was good, what was bad, what was missing and so on. This post will probably contain spoilers, just sayin'.