tirsdag 19. mars 2013


I don't like Skyfall. Like, I really don't like it. I don't like it as a Bond movie, and I don't like it as an action movie. I'm a fan of Daniel Craig as Bond, he is one of the best, but I don't like what he does, I don't like the story. But back to my point. I don't like Skyfall. I wasn't sure how to tackle this problem, so I thought I'd do it scene by scene. (Spoilers!)

lørdag 16. mars 2013

Tomb Raider

Just rounded the story of Tomb Raider, and thought I should let you know what I think of it. I'm not calling this a review, cause that sounds so formal and consuming, so this is more of sharing opinions. Anyway, let the reviewing begin!

tirsdag 22. januar 2013

Top 5 Timeless Music Videos

5. Dinosaur Laser Fight
It's a song about a prehistoric, futuristic showdown between dinosaurs, occurring in space, featuring laser guns, sharks, and bass playing aliens. Convinced yet?

Best Line: "It's fucking science. Just ask Albert Einstein, he invented space"

4. Everybody walk the Dinosaur
Sorry for repeating the dinosaur theme, but I feel like this one deserves a spot as well.

Best Line: "Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur"

1. Safety Dance
So there is this midget on a medival festival, and a guy doing some sweet folk dancing, and everyone is wearing orange, and it ends with random nukes. It is physically impossible to get tired of this.

Best Line: "Because your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, well their'e no friends of mine"