onsdag 28. desember 2011


Disclaimer: This is not a review of the STAR WARS movies. It is a review of the "Complete saga" collection box, and the movies themselves will be just about the only part of it that I'm not going to review.

STAR WARS is one of the biggest si-fi movie franchises there is, and it was really just a question of time before there would be a collectors etition of the movies. With all six movies in crystal clare HD, and about 40 hours of bonus feature, this is the ultimate STAR WARS collection.

tirsdag 27. desember 2011

It's amazing!

What is amazing? Sound is! I just bought a surround sound hedset for my PS3, and it's absolutely brilliant. So far I've only tried "Uncharted 3", but I have loved every minute of it. You can hear people sniking up on you, and the music is so clear. I can't wait to watch the third Transformers movie, which I also bought today. To quote "Gamer": "Could you imagine porn on this thing". Another advantage is that I can now turn up the volume without anybody caring (or noticing). I also bought the soundtrack of "Star Wars" today, and I'm currently listening to it (Not on my new hedset sadly, as it only works for PS3). And thats's pretty much all I did today.

Quote of the day:
     Predator - "If it bleeds, we can kill it."

mandag 26. desember 2011

Christmas re-cap

So, christmas is just done, and this year I got a lot of cool stuff. First of all I got a lasersword, and a singing tie, witch everyone hated but me (I don't see why). I also got Uncharted 3 Guide Book (and it's awesome), Alien Antology (review of it when I'm done), Borderlands for PS3 (probebly going to review it at well), the first season of SG1 (from my younger self), a shitload of money and a lot of other cool, non gaming related stuff. Once again, thats pretty much it. What did you get, and does it compare to a singing tie?

søndag 25. desember 2011

First post

Hello readers. As this is my first post on this blog, I'll explain quicly what it's about. I will not share what I had for dinner, or my personal troubles and boring stuff like this. On this blog, I will tell stories from my daily life that includes gaming, movies, TV or other nerdy stuff. I will also post some reviews of some of the stuff I buy. And that's pretty much it.